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NIH Director's New Innovator Award logo.

Award Management

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  4. Award Management


The information in these pages are meant to provide general guidance. Instructions and procedures outlined in the funding opportunity, SF424 Application Guide, and NIH Grants Policy Statement take precedence over any information provided and should be referred to for complete and comprehensive directions.

Learn what to expect after your application is selected for funding.

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Administering NIH Institute/Center

The Office of the Director (OD) receives all New Innovator applications and funds the majority of the awards. However, applications that are selected for funding are transferred to the most scientifically relevant NIH Institute or Center (as determined by the High-Risk, High-Reward Research program (HRHR) working group) for award administration. The administering NIH Institute or Center will assign program and grants management staff to manage the award, but Dr. Trish Labosky (Program Leader for HRHR) oversees all New Innovator Awards and will remain an important contact for awardees.

Notice of Award (NoA)

The Notice of Award (NoA) provides information on the project's start and end dates, terms and conditions of award, and how much money will be received for current and future years. A NoA is issued for every budget period of the award.

You can find the NoA in eRA Commons using the Status module or Notice of Award query. Note that grants management staff may issue a revised NoA to reflect any of the following changes:

  • Increase or decrease of funds
  • Lifting of a restriction
  • Change in budget period
  • Carryover or offset


Research Performance Progress Report (RRPR)

NIH requires grantees to submit annual Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR) through eRA Commons. Progress reports for multi-year funded awards are due annually on or before the anniversary of the budget/project period start date of award, except in year three. The reporting period for progress reports for multi-year funded awards, such as the New Innovator Award, is the calendar year preceding the anniversary date of the award.

The RPPR asks grantees about accomplishments towards the goal of the project, plans for the next year of the project, manuscripts and publications produced, personnel who have worked on the project, changes to level of effort of key personnel on the project, actual or planned challenges or delays in the projects and plans for resolving them, significant changes regarding human or animal subjects, inclusion enrollment reports for clinical studies, and more.

Program and grants management officials review each progress report and may follow up if additional information is needed.

In year three, a PHS 2590 Non-Competing Continuation Progress Report (not a Multi-Year Funded RPPR) must be submitted. Administrative review will be conducted prior to issuing a Type 4 award for years four and five of the project period.

A final RPPR, invention statement, and the expenditure data portion of the Federal Financial Report are required for closeout of an award, as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.

Additional important information about the RPPR for multi-year funded awards is here.

Project or Budget Changes

There may be times when adjustments are needed to your project or budget. Some of the adjustments can be made by the grantee without NIH approval due to “expanded authorities” laws, which gives greater autonomy and flexibility to grantees.

Without NIH approval, you can:

  • Transfer work to a third party through a consortium agreement, contract, or other means, as long as you retain a substantive role in the research.
  • Make cost-related changes, including rebudgeting of funds, as long as the scope of the research remains the same.
    • Spend money up to 90 days before the grant's start date with your institution's permission.

Actions that require NIH pre-approval include:

  • Taking an action that changes the scope of the approved research.
  • Reducing PD/PI effort by 25 percent or more. Note that research effort must remain at least 25 percent.
  • Changing the grantee organization.
  • Changing the award terms and conditions, or undertaking any activities disapproved or restricted as a term of award.
  • Adding, removing, or transferring a foreign sub-award or foreign site.

The request must be endorsed by your Authorized Organization Representative and sent to the grants management specialist at least 30 days before your proposed change. Contact your grants management specialist with questions on pre-approvals.

Change of Institution

If you wish to change institutions, you must ask the awarded institution to relinquish the award to your new one. The new institution must be a U.S. domestic institution capable of supporting the research and must fulfill all the requirements in the funding opportunity.

Your new institution must submit a new application in response to the Change of Grantee Organization (Type 7 Parent) announcement. NIH staff will review the application to ensure all the requirements in the funding opportunity are met.

For more information, see:

If your institution does not agree to transfer your grant or the new institution cannot meet all the requirements in the funding opportunity, the grant must be terminated.

Change in Scope

There may be times when your research plans need adjustment because of a new research path or a dead end. Talk with your Program Officer about whether it makes sense to modify your research. You will need approval from your Grants Management Specialist to change the scope of your research.

Actions that may change the scope of your research include:

  • Changing the Specific Aims
  • Shifting the research emphasis from one disease area to another
  • Changing any aspects of research involving animals or human subjects
  • Using a new technology
  • Purchasing equipment that costs more than $25,000
  • Rebudgeting funds in or out of a budget category by more than 25 percent of the total costs of the award

For a list of all actions that constitute a change in scope, see Section 8 of the NIH Grants Policy Statement.

High-Risk, High-Reward Research Symposium

The High-Risk, High-Reward Research Symposium is held annually in June in Bethesda, MD. The symposium brings together recipients of the NIH Director's Pioneer, New Innovator, Transformative Research, and Early Independence awards to share their groundbreaking research and discoveries. The symposium is free and open to the public. Symposium attendees enjoy:

  • Scientific talks and posters from High-Risk, High-Reward Research program awardees
  • Networking with some of the most creative scientists in the U.S.
  • Scheduled one-on-one meetings with NIH staff during "Office Hours"

High-Risk, High-Reward Research award recipients are strongly encouraged to attend the symposium annually. Awardee lab members, NIH staff and fellows, and members of the general public are also welcome to attend. NIH does not pay for or make travel arrangements for symposium attendees and presenters.

This page last reviewed on July 18, 2024